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Monthly Bulletin


June 2024 

This semi-regular update from the GIA Secretariat is intended to provide a general overview of the key matters considered by GIA governance bodies in the preceding month. It is not intended to communicate formal decisions by any of the parties, nor everything that happens within GIA. If there are any questions, or further information is required please contact


XAG Response OA (XF ROA): 5 June 2024

  • Parties completed the public private benefit assessment for this Response OA, using the previously agreed assessment completed for the Readiness OA as a template.
  • Using the PIBC pilot process to determine intra-industry impacts was agreed in principle, subject to the Secretariat confirming the cost following the parties deciding that it was not appropriate to group “like-behaving” subspecies (owing to variations within those groups).
  • Treatment of, and accountability, for orchards and vineyards who undertake their own propagation (a nursery stage) were discussed.
  • The group will meet monthly aiming to have a completed OA by mid-2025.

GOL Board Meeting: 6 June 2024

The GOL Board met on Thursday 6 June 2024 and considered the following:

  • CE and Secretariat performance appraisal process for 23/24 year
  • Chair and possible Deputy Chair positions
  • The process to appoint a new GOL director
  • How to link the new GIA strategy to ongoing work across the partnership, with a meeting of OA Council Chairs to be convened.
  • Preparation for the forthcoming DGG meeting
  • Changes to the Secretariat cost share methodology and Accountability reporting operational rule.
  • GIA representation at the Australian Biosecurity Symposium in August 2024
  • Intellectual Property generated by OA activities, under contracts held by GOL

Lepidoptera Working Group: 17 June 2024

  • The meeting’s principal focus was to advance project plans for work envisaged in the 2024/25 year. These include:
    • Stock take of diagnostic capability
    • Surveillance status and forward options
    • Readiness and response plans/products across the five Pest Guild groupings
    • Communications and engagement plan
    • A plan for how MPI secure BtK stock and aircraft and ensure regulatory readiness for flying and spraying.
  • Phase 1 of a sixth project, an Information Repository, is being provisioned through the Secretariat’s work on pan-GIA options and is now complete.
  • IP requirements for co-funding of a Scion project on testing Electroantennogram-based Active Surveillance were established.
  • The Group also undertook a mandated review of the OA, and having considered matters, determined the OA was fit for purpose and that no further action was needed.
  • The next meeting will be in September 2024

Fruit Fly Council (FFC): 19 June 2024

  • The Council reviewed and discussed progress made on its existing 23/24 FY programme of work on combining Fruit Fly lures, the trial of Rapid Aim traps, 2019 QFF Response Lessons Learned workshop & Other Flies identification & classification work.
  • As part of its work programme, a workshop aiming at reviewing the 2019 Queensland Fruit Fly Response was held by the Fruit Fly Council on 13 June 2024 in Wellington, where over 20 participated on the day, including MPI staff, technical experts, industry & service provider representatives. Work is now underway to address the areas of concerns identified from the workshop.
  • The 24/25 FY preliminary work programme was also discussed which will focus on further work on Other Flies, creating an information repository and consideration of further research on fruit fly impacts on NZ indigenous plants.
  • The next Fruit Fly Council meeting will be held on 2 September 2024

Deed Governance Group (DGG): 20 June 2024

Key matters discussed were:

  • Biosecurity New Zealand’s structural changes
  • That the Crown Indemnity has been renewed for a further five years
  • Approval of 24/25 Work Programme and Budget, including priority work in relation to engagement with Māori, Phase 2 of Response Funding work, development of an Information Repository, continuation of the Pest Impact and Beneficiary Classification pilot, and industry valuation advice.
  • Changes to the Secretariat cost-share methodology were agreed, including an increase to $8,000 in the club share paid by all parties.
  • Industry Valuation updates noted for setting 24/25 Secretariat budget shares
  • Accountability operational rule tweaks for 23/24 reporting were agreed, with the creation of an ad hoc working group to consider changes for 24/25 reporting.
  • Egg Producers Federation was welcomed as observer to DGG deliberations following its formal application to join GIA being lodged with MPI.
  • The next DGG meeting is scheduled for 5 November 2024 and is expected to incorporate a biosecurity-related site visit.

Foot and Mouth Disease Operational Agreement (FMDOA) Development: 21 June 2024

 Key items discussed were:

  • Elements of a national FMD response strategy and how it will be referenced in the FMDOA
  • The timing for MPI’s negotiating mandate and bringing decision makers up to speed ahead of formal negotiations.
  • Progress on the FMD compensation work stream
  • Specific OA provisions related to when a party is disproportionately impacted by a response governance decision, response decisions made outside of response governance, and the draft Response Governance Terms of reference.
  • Cost share scenario modelling

Xylella Action Group (XAG): 24 June 2024

  • The Technical Lead reported the first detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Italy, noting that the subspecies that has been devastating olive trees for the best part of a decade in Italy is Xf pauca
  • Project briefs, budgets and commencement were approved for three projects to commence in the 24/25 year:
    • Growing awareness of Xylella among growers and supplying nurseries
    • Testing detection scenarios to inform future readiness planning
    • Review and, if necessary, improve Xylella readiness measures for NZ nurseries and growers.
  • A budget of $136,000 was approved for these projects and other XAG work through 24/25.
  • A subgroup of industry parties will undertake work to understand how nursery activities undertaken by fruit producers and vineyards are treated under the OA.
  • The Technical Lead was charged with keeping the matrix of Xylella subspecies and hosts up to date.
  • The group next meets in July to advance work on its Response OA, with the next regular XAG meeting in September.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Council (BMSBC): 27 June 2024

  • The BMSB Council held a workshop to discuss the future direction of travel of Samurai wasp related work based on the recommendations received from its review project. The Council also discussed and refined the preliminary 24/25 programme of work as part of the discussion.
  • The focus of Samurai wasp work will shift to look for alternative host, conducting more technical research on its effectiveness when used with insecticides, and to exploring possibilities a long-term management tool.
  • The Council also discussed how to ensure social licence for biocontrol agents BCA, as part of its work programme. A couple of possible work projects have been identified and are being scoped.
  • The Council’s international collaboration continues as the MOU with Chile is due to be formally signed, and budget allocated for a surveillance research project with Chile in the 24/25 FY work programme.
  • The work programme will be further scoped and discussed at the BMSB Council’s next meeting in August 2024.

Plant Pass

NZPPI, as Plant Pass Scheme Manager, has provided the following update:

  • Effective 14 June 2024, NZ Apples and Pears and Summerfruit NZ officially joined the Plant Pass Biosecurity Scheme Operational Agreement. This agreement brings together industry and government to collaboratively manage biosecurity threats that could impact New Zealand’s primary industries and economy.
  • MPI are reviewing current measures for managing Xylella fastidiosa in the Nursery Stock import health standard. One of the proposed measures is for Plant Pass certification to be seen as an alternative to testing and quarantine requirements for nurseries importing tissue cultures under the Offshore Parent Plant testing option. This proposal shows that MPI views Plant Pass certification as a key risk management step in the plant imports pathway. Formal consultation on the review is planned for the third quarter of 2024. 
  • Plant Pass was represented at Fieldays for the first time across three stands supported by Waikato Council, Te Uru Rākau and the Forest Owners Association.
  • A successful regional workshop was hosted in conjunction with Plant Pass Partner, Biosecurity Taranaki and the Taranaki Regional Council at Pukeiti, New Plymouth. Excellent feedback was received and Biosecurity Taranaki’s Chair, Willy Harvey said “today’s workshop has been a testament to the power of vibrant collaboration. We’ve not only shared knowledge but also forged new partnerships and ignited a collective passion for plant biosecurity in Taranaki.


May 2024 Bulletin 

April 2024 Bulletin

March 2024 Bulletin

February 2024 Bulletin 

December 2023 Bulletin 

November 2023 Bulletin

October 2023 Bulletin

September 2023 Bulletin

August 2023 Bulletin

July 2023 Bulletin 




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