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Signing the GIA Deed


The process

In this section

The industry decision tree for signing the Deed (see attachment below) outlines the process industry organisations need to go through to: determine if they want to sign the Deed; gain the support of their sector for signing the Deed; and demonstrate to the responsible Minister they are eligible to sign the Deed. 

In summary, the steps an industry organisation must go through to sign the Deed are: 

  1. Establish GIA is likely to be of value to the sector it is seeking to represent (see Establishing value).
  2. Ensure the organisation can meet the definition of an industry organisation under the Biosecurity Act 1993 (the Biosecurity Act) (see Eligibility requirements).
  3. Consult the members of the sector (including individuals and businesses) that will be represented by the organisation and document this process. 
  4. Make an application to the Minister for Primary Industries that demonstrates that the organisation adequately represents the interests of sector participants, that it has their mandate to sign the Deed, and that it meets the other eligibility requirements outlined in s 100ZA of the Biosecurity Act (see Application to the Minister).
  5. If the Minister agrees the organisation meets the statutory requirements, MPI will arrange for a confirmation notice to be published in the New Zealand Gazette (see Signing the Deed).
  6. Once this notice is published and the organisation has completed the necessary internal steps to obtain authority, the organisation can sign the GIA Deed (see Signing the Deed).


This page was last reviewed April 2023

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Eligibility guidelines

An information pack, Signing the Deed, provides information and advice about the requirements for signing the Deed. It covers establishing if GIA is of value, eligibility requirements, consultation requirements, funding options and applying to the Minister.

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